“I have been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer.” Renowned for her roles in TV series like “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai” and “Kasautii Zindagii Kay,” Hina Khan recently revealed that she has been diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. The actress shared the news to her fans through a heart-touching post on social media. Hina’s announcement has sparked the worry about the rising incidences among women, particularly in India.
Statistics indicate that over the past few decades the number of cases has steadily increased. Factors such as environmental influences, changes in lifestyle and genetic prepositions plays a crucial role but advancements rates, offering hopes in the face of adversity.
Breast Cancer Cases in India
In 2022, there were 20 million more new cases of breast cancer worldwide, according to the data reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). India alone registered around 1,413,316 news cases with a greater percentage of females (722,138) than males (691,178) falling prey to it.
Among these cases in India, 192,020 cases were reported, which is approximately 26% of the total cases. With 2.3 million cases recorded globally, this cancer is the second most common cancer in women.
What is Breast Cancer, and can it be treated?
Breast cancer is the unregulated growth of errant cells in the breast, forming tumors, that can spread if not identified quickly. The signs and symptoms include nipple abnormalities, changes in the size and shape of breast, skin changes such as dimpling and redness.
The survival statistics for stage III cancer, that the actress Hina Khan has been diagnosed with, vary depending on the type, grade, reaction to treatment and personal circumstances. Although its treatable, outcomes differ among patients.
What is the cause of India’s rising breast cancer rate?
As per Dr. N Sapna Lulla of Aster CMI Hospital in Bengaluru, the increase in breast cancer among women is influenced by multiple factors, like the usage of oral contraceptives to postpone menstrual cycles and increased work stress. Delayed childbirth and conditions like PCOS also contribute to this.
Dr. Lulla draws attention to lifestyle choices including eating junk food, being sedentary and following restrictive diets that exclude things like sugar. Indian women are more likely at the risk of getting breast cancer due to several factors, like urbanization, lack of physical activity, obesity (which elevates estrogen levels), smoking and alcohol consumption, delayed marriages and later childbirth. There is a complex blend of biological and behavioral factors that cause breast cancer.
To treat and lessen the burden of this disease, it is necessary to promote awareness, encourage early detection through routine screenings and foster a healthy and supportive healthcare environment. The leading incidence of the disease in India, underscores the impact of socioeconomic causes, lifestyle choices and delayed access to treatment. To stay fit and healthy, one should properly take care of our health with regard to these factors.