Famous and veteran Bollywood singer Alka Yagnik took to her official Instagram account and revealed the shocking news of being diagnosed with severe hearing loss after a personal visit to Goa. Yagnik has given her melodious voice to many hit songs.
This sudden virus attack, led to the cancellation of all stage performances and schedules, including a planned prebooked performance in London.
Symptoms and diagnosis
According to the reports from the management team and medical sources at Lilavati Hospital. Yagnik initially noticed some symptoms during a visit to Goa in May 2024.
The condition quickly worsened over several hours . It first started with hearing loss in the right ear and later affecting the left ear. When Yagnik returned, she paid a visit to the doctor where she was diagnosed with sensorineural deafness.
What is Sensorineural Hearing Loss?
Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL) is caused by damage to delicate structures in the inner ear or auditory nerve. SHNL affects almost 90% of adults and variety of factors are mentioned below:
- Exposure to loud noise
- Genetic Predisposition
- Medical Conditions such as Diabetes or High Blood Pressure
ENT Specialist Dr. Devakumar Rangaraja highlighted that viral infections including infections during the COVID-19 pandemic are associated with an increase in SNHL cases.
Although treatment options exist to manage symptoms and improve the quality of life, reversing the damage is challenging, once the condition has developed.
Although SNHL is difficult to recover from, timely medical intervention can improve the chances of recovery, especially if treatment begins in its early stages. SNHL management options include medications, cochlear implants, and other hearing aids.Â
Dr Vikas Agarwal, another ENT specialist emphasized the importance of timely treatment. He noted that delaying medical intervention reduces the chances of recovery, especially two weeks after the symptoms are visible.
Music Industries support and Well-Wishes
In response to Alka Yagnik’s announcement, many of her friends from the music industry expressed their concern and made sincere wishes for her quick recovery.
Singer Sonu Nigam and Actress Ila Arun were the first to voice their support. They said that they would pray and hope for her quick recovery.
Former Actress Poonam Dhillon also expressed her love and encouragement for Singer Alka Yagnik, showing that the entire industry is with her during the difficult times that Yagnik is going through.
As Alka Yagnik overcomes this unexpected health challenge, the Bollywood and music industry and her fans around the world will remain hopeful and pray for her quick recovery.