Anshuman Gaekwad, a former Indian cricket player and head coach, passed away in Vadodara at the age of 71. Gaekwad played 40 Test matches and 15 ODIs from 1975 to 18987, scoring 2254 runs and 2 centuries, including a career-high 201 against Pakistan. From 1997 to 1999, he served as the Indian team’s coach.
The former Indian cricketer was completing his treatment in London but went back to Vadodara to continue his care. In response to demands from several cricketers, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) allotted INR 1 crore for his treatment. Gaekwad was honored with the BCCI’s highest award- the C.K. Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award.
“It’s a loss to the cricket fraternity. Always passionate and loved talking about cricket. He was a great taskmaster. I had met him one month ago, and his situation wasn’t nice. We looked up to him when we were young. I played under him too,” former Indian wicketkeeper Kiran More said.
Many former Indian players and Board Secretary Jay Shah also expressed their grief, on the demise of Anshuman Gaekwad.
Gaekwad’s journey as a coach
Gaekwad led the Indian squad for two stints, from 1997 to 1999 and from 2000 to 2001. Under his guidance, India finished second in the 2000 Champions Trophy. During his tenure, at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi, Anil Kumble made history by becoming the first Indian bowler to take 10 wickets in a Test innings.
Anshuman Gaekwad has also presided over the Indian Cricketer’s Association and served a national selector in 1990s.