The Delhi High Court has summoned YouTuber Dhruv Rathee, following a defamation lawsuit filed by BJP spokesperson Suresh Karamshi Nakhua. Nakhua, a BJP member from Mumbai unit, alleges that Rathee labeled him “a violent and abusive” troll in a video, uploaded to his YouTube account on July 7. According to Live Law, Nakhua is seeking ₹20 lakhs in damages for the purported slander caused online.
Dhruv Rathee
The 29-year-old European influencer and computer engineer, Dhruv Rathee runs a YouTube channel where he shares content on a variety of subjects, including AI and technology. He began his channel while he was a computer science student in Germany, initially focusing on Hindi travel vlogs. Over time, he expanded his content to instructional videos about business, technology, and science. Rathee has also commented on political issues, like the 2020 farmer protests and the film “The Kerala Story”. Notably, his critiques of the Modi Government were embraced by opposition parties, throughout the election campaign.
Case on Rathee
A summons for Dhruv Rathee was issued on July 19 by the Saket Court in Delhi, in response to a complaint by Suresh Karamshi Nakhua. District Judge Gunjan Gupta has set August 6 as the day for the case hearing.
According to Nakhua, Rathe made “bold and unsubstantiated claims”, calling Nakhua as a member of “violent and abusive trolls.” He further stated that these allegations are unfounded and likely to harm his reputation.
What is the term “Defamation”?
Defamation is the act of making false claims about someone that can damage their reputation. It includes two main forms Slander and Libel, which refer to defamation through spoken remarks or published statements, respectively.
A defamation lawsuit is a legal dispute, where the plaintiff claims that the defendant made false and defamatory remarks about them. The plaintiff must prove that the statements made were false, untrue and made unnecessarily. The plaintiff can demand financial compensation or a court order to stop making defamatory remarks or to retract them.
Dhruv Rathee’s accusations have made the plaintiff suffer harm to his personal and professional life, which have led to widespread criticism. Following this the Delhi High Court has set the hearing on 6th August, 2024.