The engagement announcement of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala has certainly created quite a stir. The couple got engaged on August 8th with Naga Chaitanya’s father, Nagarjuna Akkineni, joyfully announcing the news and sharing photos on social media. Having been in a relationship since 2022, Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala is looking forward to tying the knot later this year.
Here’s a quick overview of the gossip and controversies that have emerged regarding their engagement announcement of Chaitanya and Sobhita.
Old video went viral
An old video of Sobhita discussing Naga Chaitanya, and his former wife Samantha Ruth Prabhu has gone viral after the engagement. In the video clip, Sobhita compliments both Samantha and Chaitanya, which has sparked mixed reactions from viewers through social media platforms.
Samantha’s post on social media
Shortly after the engagement, Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared her first social media post. Instead of talking about the engagement, she focused on the Indian hockey team’s achievements at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The post has sparked curiosity about her thoughts on the engagement.
Engagement Date Controversy
Some fans claim that Naga Chaitanya picked the engagement date on the same day Samantha proposed to him. It upset the fans a lot. This has also sparked a debate among netizens.
Samantha Fans Anger
After sharing the engagement photos online, fans of Samantha Ruth Prabhu flooded the comments with anger demanding the removal of the marriage posts.
Deleting pics of Naga Chaitanya and Samanatha
Naga Chaitanya reportedly removed his photos with Samantha after getting engaged to Sobhita Dhulipala on August 8.
Copying his father
Many people are saying that Chaitnya copied his father Nagarjuna. Some critics believe that just like Nagarjuna. Nagarjuna remarried after his first marriage. Naga Chaitanya has also moved on from his divorce with Samantha and recently got engaged to Sobhita Dhulipala.