A heroic rescue on the sea bridge that connects Navi Mumbai and South Mumbai has drawn much attention on social media. A 56-year-woman was saved by her taxi driver as she tried to leap off the Mumbai Atal Setu in Nhava Sheva.
He was able to grab her by her hair, just before she was about to jump off.
Reema Mukesh Patel, a Mulund resident arrived at the Atul Setu and stopped the vehicle on the Nhava Sheva side. In a viral video the taxi driver can be seen standing next to the lady. At that moment, a patrolling police car pulls over.
The cab driver, identified as Sanjay Yadav, told the authorities that she wanted to stop on the bridge to submerge some religious photo frames in the sea.
But cab drivers’ and cops’ swift actions averted this mishappening. The cab driver caught the falling woman by her hair. While the four cops rushed to the scene and climbed onto the railing, Reema’s body hung over the edge.
The official stated that one of the officers knelt and managed to hold her just in time. After that the cops lifted her carefully and were able to save her life.
The Mumbai Police Commissioner posted on X (formerly Twitter), stating that the woman was saved during a suicide attempt. “I urge citizens to appreciate the gift of life and avoid acting impulsively in such situations. Remember, your loved ones deserve better,” the commissioner stated.