Rajesh Rawani, an experienced truck driver from Jamtara, Jharkhand, has gained unexpected fame with his YouTube channel, R Rajesh Vlogs. With more than 1.86 million subscribers, Rawani has made a successful shift from driving trucks to becoming a popular online influencer.
Rawani’s Financial Success and YouTube Earnings
Rawani’s earns between ₹25,000 and ₹30,000 each month as a truck driver. However, his YouTube earnings significantly exceed this amount. In contrast, he makes between ₹4 lakh and ₹5 lakh per month from his channel. He has earned up to ₹10 lakh a month through his daily vlogs.
What type of content does Jharkhand’s Rawani provide in vlogs?
Rawani makes cooking videos and provides insights into the life of a truck driver. He used to prepare and eat meals in his truck alone, often by himself. His passion for cooking inspired him to create and share cooking videos on YouTube, which turned him into an internet sensation.
What were the obstacles faced by Rawani during his YouTube journey?
Despite facing many obstacles, including a serious hand injury from an incident, Rawani continued driving and running his YouTube channel. His dedication extends to working long hours, often getting just 2-4 hours of sleep each night, and starting his day at 4 a.m.
His relentless work ethic is driven by his commitment to the family and getting a house constructed with his own income in Jharkhand.
Support from the Business tycoon and Family
Rawani’s remarkable and inspiring story recently caught the attention of business tycoon Anand Mahindra, who featured him in the ‘Monday Motivation’ series on Twitter. Rawani credits his family support for his ability to juggle his responsibilities as both a truck driver and a YouTuber.
Rawani’s Early Life and Background
Born and raised in Jharkhand, Rawani grew up in a modest household where his father was the only provider, earning just ₹500 a month.
This limited income had to cover all family expenses, often leading them to take out loans. Despite these financial difficulties, Rawani has made significant progress and achieved notable success.
Recent YouTube content
In his most recent video ‘Aadhi Raat Ko Yah Hamare Sath Kya Ho Gaya’, posted at 10 am on August 19, 2024, the footage captured the day and night before as he drove towards Guwahati.
His commentary during the drive provides viewers with insights of tea valley of Bengal’s Siliguri and talking about the weather there.