British automotive brand Aston Martin recently unveiled the Vantage model in India priced at Rs 3.99 crores. This is the third launch of the luxury and sports car manufacturer this year, preceded by the new entry into its flagship series, DB12 Coupe and Volante. The Vantage is a bold statement in luxury and performance, as the supercar boasts an impressive twin-turbo V8 producing 656 bhp and 800 Nm of torque. It can reach 0-60 mph (0-96 kmph) in just 3.4 seconds and attain a top speed of 202 mph (325 kmph).
Alongside the Vantage, Aston Martin also announced its race spec variant, the Vantage GT3 Challenger which will compete in endurance events such as FIA’s World Endurance Championship, IMSA WeatherTech Sports Championship, and the Fanatec GT World Championship. The car is built to FIA’s GT3 specifications and utilizes the data gathered from Aston Martin’s Formula 1 racing team.
Aston Martin Vantage specifications
The all-new Vantage features an Aluminium body intricately designed to achieve 50:50 weight distribution. It is equipped with Bilstein DTX adaptive dampers, an electronic rear differential, carbon-ceramic brakes and 21-inch alloy wheels with Michelin Pilot Sport S5 tires.
The Vantage’s V8 is an upgraded version of the previous model’s engine and features the biggest jump in power from a previous iteration. It produces 656 bhp as compared to the previous model’s 503 bhp, and 800 Nm of torque as compared to last model’s 685. The V8 is coupled with an 8-speed ZF transmission and a brand-new launch control system, thrusting it from a standstill to 60 mph (102 kmph) in just 3.4 seconds.
History of Vantage Brand
The Vantage was initially a high-performance variant of the company’s flagship DB series, the DB2, DB4 and DB6. However, it has been released as a standalone model since 1972. The AM Vantage was the first to feature the V8 engine (originally planned for the DBS Vantage) of which only 70 were produced, making it an extreme rarity today. While being the fastest, the AM Vantage was reportedly the least powerful in the line-up at the time.
In 1977, Aston Martin released the more powerful and aggressive version of the V8 with the Aston Martin V8 Vantage. The car’s extreme performance at the time resulted in it being hailed as “Britain’s first Supercar”. The V8 Vantage could reach 0-60 mph in just 5.3 seconds and a top speed of 170 mph (273 kmph). The engine was the Lagonda V8 which produced a whopping 380 bhp.
In 1999, Aston Martin unveiled the DB7 Vantage, which was an upgrade to the beautiful DB7 with the in-line 6-cylinder engine. The DB7 Vantage featured a 6.0 litre V12 engine boasting 420 bhp and a top speed of 185 mph (approx. 297 kmph). Aston would continue to release newer generations of the Vantage with both the V8 and V12 models.