The Kerala government has released the Justice K Hema Committee Report, exposing widespread sexual harassment and gender inequality in the Malayalam film industry, popularly known as Mollywood.
The report was compiled by a panel including retired judge Justice K Hema, actress T Sarada, and former IAS officer KB Valsalakumari. It was released in on August 19 after legal efforts to postpone its release were failed.
Here are the key takeaways of the Justice K Hema Committee Report:
Sexual Harassment
The report highlights that sexual harassment is a major issue in the film industry. Terms like “adjustments” and “compromise” mask the common practice of casting couch.
The report also describes a terrible incident where a male actor abused an actress the day before he forced her to do 17 takes for a hug scene. The director them blamed her for showing resentment.
Climate of Terror
Both men and women in the industry avoided speaking out in the industry due to fear of losing opportunities or even their lives. When the committee sought input from a WhatsApp group of dancers, many members started leaving the group instead of responding.
Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) members faced exclusion from film roles for voicing their concerns against the AMMA.
Denial of Human Rights
Women struggles due to inadequate toilets, changing rooms, and unsafe accommodations. Many women reported that they avoid drinking water and hold their urine, leading to infections. They also faced difficulties during menstruation.
Some male artists believe that women should adjust, but a few acknowledged the need for change, while others dismissed the lack of toilet facilities as unimportant.
Unauthorized Bans
The report revealed that an illegal ban has been imposed on cinema artists by powerful industry groups to maintain control. Even prominent male actors have faced ban for minor reasons or unintentionally angering influential figures.
Certain male producers, directors and actors dominate the Malayalam film industry, and failing to comply with their expectations can even lead to career destruction.
Power Imbalance
Women often earn less than men in the industry, and committee member Valsalakumari rejected the usual justifications given for this gap.
According to the sources, witnesses noted that the market value of heroes is frequently boosted by fan groups. Chairperson Hema stated that the power dynamics in the industry make Internal Complaints Committees useless, as they fail to keep things confidential.
Vague contracts
The lack of proper contracts results in issues like poor pay, unfair wages, and discomfort during filming. In one case, a film after misled an actress about the required nudity, causing her to leave the project.
In another case, a person left after the film pressured them into intimate scenes that were not part of the original agreement.
Workplace misconducts
The film industry faces serious issues with gross indiscipline, as alcohol and drug are commonly used on sets. Committee member Valsalakumari has called for a ban on the consumption of alcohol and drugs at workplaces in the industry.
Many women have expressed feeling unsafe at film locations, as intoxicated men often disturb them in their hotel rooms.
Origin of the Panel by Justice K Hema Committee
The panel was formed to investigate sexual harassment after a case involving actor Dileep. He allegedly commissioned the rape of an actress in 2017, claiming she was responsible for the collapse of his first marriage.
The authorities filed the report in 2019, but they delayed its release for over five years. The case involves 10 accused, including Dileep, whom the authorities arrested and later released on bail. The accused reportedly abducted, molested and blackmailed the actress.