Embark on an exceptional gaming adventure, as Garena Free Fire Max has brought a set of redemption codes for all the gaming enthusiasts across India. This new set of codes will be available for gamers on August 16. Each code will be unique and will last within 24 hours of its release. These codes are provided to the players on an everyday basis and available for the next 24 hours.
Notably, Garena Free Fire max is a dynamic battle royal sensational game, which got widespread attention, after its predecessor, Garena Free Fire was banned by the Indian government along with 53 Chinese applications, due to national security concerns in the country. It was banned on February 14, 2022, however, it’s another variation, called Garena Free Fire Max remains available on the Google Play Store in India.
Meanwhile, these new set of codes will add extra excitement to the gaming experience. Since these will remain available only for a limited period i.e. 12-18 hours after their release, it will create a thrilling sense of urgency, anticipation and zeal among the gamers.
As per the gaming guidelines, the 12-character alpha-numeric redemption code will provide a daily-based opportunity for up to 500 registered players, ensuring fairness, and serving all the players with an equal chance to grab these codes and enhance their gaming.
Additionally, these time bound codes are creating buzz among the gamers for their stunning gameplay and innovative features and graphics. The game continues to expand and shape the gaming horizon, by inviting gamers across the country to get the codes and redeem and get an opportunity to enhance their game play.
Here’s a list of codes unveiled by Garena Free Fire Max for August 16, 2024:
- FFBC-LQ6S-7W25
- FFBC-T7P7-N2P4
- HBG4-8P7T-6R5E
- ZY5K-2HR8-9FV3
- A4GR-ED44-5T6Y
- FFM5-LE4H-5Z8S