Following the two days of his release from Jail, Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Admi Party leader, Arvind Kejriwal announced his resignation as CM. He stated that he would only return to his position if he received a “Certificate of Honesty” from the people of Delhi. He termed his decision to step down from his CM position as “Agnipariksha” after returning from jail after six months of imprisonment in the Delhi Liquor Scam case.
Why was Kejriwal arrested?
According to the reports, Delhi’s CM Arvind Kejriwal was arrested on March 21, 2024, by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the Delhi Liquor Scam.
He was accused of allegations of corruption and bribery from a liquor distributor nearly two years ago in exchange for revising a New Delhi sales policy, allowing private companies to earn greater profits.
The leader has consistently denied the accusations, calling it a political conspiracy against him and his party.
Kejriwal announces resignation from his position as CM, after SC grants bail.
Meanwhile, After the Supreme Court of India granted bail with conditions imposed on his functioning as CM, Arvind Kejriwal sent shock waves to the entire political spectrum, the opposition called it a publicity stunt.
While addressing the party workers for the first time at AAP’s new headquarters the CM said, “Today, I have come to the people’s court… main desh ki janata se janana chahata huin kya aap Kejriwal ko imaandaar maante ho ya gunehgaar (I want to ask the people of the country whether they consider Kejriwal honest or guilty).”
“I will sit in the CM’s chair only after people give me a certificate of honesty. I want to give ‘agnipariksha’ after coming out of jail…I will become the CM and Manish Sisodia the Deputy CM only when people say we are honest and they vote for us,” he further added.
He also said that elections in Delhi were due in February. Still, these should be held in November along with Maharashtra— an announcement dismissed by BJP, saying “Scheduling elections is the remit of the Election Commission.”
Kejriwal on BJP
Kejriwal also accused BJP of trying to portray him as corrupt, saying, “Why did they (BJP) send me to jail? They know very well that I haven’t committed any corruption. Their goal was to break AAP and crush my spirit. They thought by sending me to jail, the party would fall apart, and they could form a BJP government in Delhi. However, our party didn’t break. AAP is standing strong against their grand conspiracies.”
Kejriwal’s previous resignation in 2014
He also recalled his previous resignation in 2014 as Chief Minister, just 49 days after resuming office, due to his government’s inability to pass the proposed anti-corruption legislation, the Jan Lokpal Bill, due to a lack of support from other political parties and said that he has no lust for power and position.
“When I quit the job, there was no party, no future. I never thought I would be CM one day. I had a singular passion — to serve the country,” the CM outlined while adding that he didn’t resign earlier as he had respect for democracy and the constitution.