The Trinamool Congress, led by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee are grappling with one of the strongest protests of India. CM Mamta is under the fire of protesters after the Kolkata rape and murder case of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.
Along with protesters, opposition party BJP is also criticizing Mamta Banerjee for delaying the justice, even after the suspect is in custody. However, the case has reached the Supreme Court of India, ordered to transfer the case from Kolkata police to CBI.
Victim’s Parents Slammed CM Mamta
CM Mamta is also facing criticism from the doctor’s parents for “doing nothing.” They expressed that they have “lost faith” in TMC leader.
Initially, “I used to have faith in Mamta Banerjee, but that isn’t the case now. She speaks of justice, but what action is she taking? She ought to be addressing the issue, but she is doing nothing,” the doctor’s father told NDTV.
He further condemned attempts to quell the demand for justice, pointing the lathi-charge against football fans who were demanding the justice.
Latest Updates of Kolkata Rape Case
On August 20, the Supreme Court established a national task force to ensure safer working conditions for healthcare professionals. The SC termed the Kolkata rape and murder case as ‘horrific’, criticizing the Bengal government for its handling of the case. The Chief Justice DY Chandrachud-led bench also expressed extreme frustration with RG Kar Hospital authorities for their tardiness in filing the FIR.
The CJI also rebuked both the hospital and the police for failing to follow protocol. “What was the principal doing? An FIR was not filed, and the body was handed over late to the parents. What are the police doing? A serious crime has occurred, and the crime scene is within a hospital,” the court stated.
The bench further reprimanded the government for appointing Dr Sandip Gosh as the principal of Calcutta Medical College, another prestigious college, following his resignation from RG Kar Hospital. “How was he appointed as a principal of another college immediately, when the conduct of the principal is still under scrutiny.”
The panel also expressed concern over victim’s name, video clips and photographs that are circulating across the media. “This is extremely troubling”, the CJI remarked.
The SC has demanded a status report till 22nd of August from CBI. The Bengal government has been asked to submit a status report regarding the vandalism incident that occurred at the crime scene.