Imagine travelling around the world, where it is advised to take each step with caution. The irony is that most of the time women have to be extra cautious of their safety. We are living in a world where women encounter unforeseen accidents every other minute. While there are many nations that ensure women safety, there are countries that are labelled as precarious. As we delve deeper into the article, you will know about the harsh truth of few unsafe countries for women.
Women safety has always been a topic of discussion. But are women actually safe? Journalists Asher and Lyric Fergusson, through their safety blog ranked 50 countries, as safe and unsafe for women.
Given below is the list of least to most dangerous countries that are unsafe for women, or where women face the most challenges. Read till the end to know which is most unsafe country where crime against women is higher.
#7. United States
The most surprising country to be in the list is the US. The western country ranks seventh due to unsafe streets for women as well as non-partner sexual violence and gender inequality. Homicide is considered as the third leading cause of death for women between the age of 20 and 24. The racism against black women is also one of the leading reasons for the US to be among the list of unsafe countries. It stands at the rating of 76.7 in terms of international homicide of women.
#6. India
With the alarming reports of sexual violence, sex slavery and human trafficking, the world’s largest democratic nation, India frequently ranks the list of most dangerous country for women. The sensational viral case of a Spanish couple, who claimed to encounter the gruesome assault during their travel, underscores these grave issues.
#5. Pakistan
Even today, Pakistan remains a conservative, strict country where women and girls struggle for the access of education. Here, women still encounter physical assault and economic discrimination, including the ‘honor killings.’
This was tragically highlighted in 2012 when the Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai, a young activist for girls’ education. She was just 15 years old when she was shot directly in the head while walking to school. However, Yousafzai survived and was honored with Nobel Peace Prize, for her resilience and fight against inequality.
#4. Iran
Due to its high ranking for the gender gap, Iran ranks among the dangerous countries for women. The gap indicates the difference between men and women socially, economic participation, education, health and political empowerment. These hindrances highlight the systematic challenges faced by the Iranian women.
#3. Mexico
It is shocking to know that Mexico is increasingly becoming one of the unsafe countries for women, specially from travel point of view. Apart from its poor street safety, women are helplessly facing the intentional homicide and non-partner sexual violence.
#2. Russia
Russia is at the top amongst the worst nations having homicide against women. The country stands at 28.2 rating as second-worst index score in homicide, and the ninth-worst legal discrimination score at 27.
#1. South Africa
Sadly South Africa is the most unsafe country for women, with only 25% of women feeling safe walking alone at night. As the country lacks the safety measures for women, they are advised not to travel alone, or go for hiking, diving or even walking.
Additionally, it is listed as the most dangerous country for women to walk or travel alone, by World Population Review.