A video posted on X, went viral from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh where a Dalit woman in a devastating condition made serious allegations against Syed Abid Ali, the SP leader and the chairman of Aonla Nagar Palika.
The women, who is the wife of a sanitation worker, claims that Ali physically assaulted her, broke her teeth. Ali also threatened to create a situation similar to that in Bangladesh if she did not stop complaining and follow his orders.
Threats and abuse by Syed Abid Ali
In the video, the woman showed her mouth filled with blood with broken teeth and crying in immense pain and saying, ‘they broke my teeth’.
Where it all started?
On Wednesday, August 14, a video was shared where a woman claimed that Syed Abid Ali, who also contested the Lok Sabha elections from the BSP. She continued that he came to her house and used caste-based slurs. He also threatened to remove her husband from his job.
She added that Ali was angry because she had reported about Muslim hawkers who were blocking her house and creating a mess in front of it.
Who is Syed Abid Ali?
Syed Abid Ali, 46 years old from Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), is the leader of the party and the chairman of Aonla Nagar Palika. He had completed only his 10th grade. Not only the recent incident, but he has also already charged with one criminal case against him. Creditors have charged him with debts amounting to ₹64.9 lakhs.
The Bareilly Police tweeted
Below the recent X video, the Bareilly police tweeted that according to the FIR No. 234/2024 registered at the Sirauli Police Station in Bareilly. Police have arrested Syed Abid Ali under various charges.
The charges include assaults and threats. They further added that the woman has provided photos and detailed her ordeal in her complaint.
The police have begun investigating the allegations against Ali. The case has gained a lot of attention, and the local community is closely following the developments in the case.
Hindus in Bangladesh
The allegations against Ali arise after allegedly assaulting Dalit women and making statements of violence against Hindus, like in Bangladesh. Hindus in Bangladesh are experiencing persecution from Islamist groups.
More than 200 incidents of violence against Hindus have been reported. Hindu women have been raped, and many homes and businesses have been destroyed in Bangladesh.